What is a DBID?
A Destination Business Improvement District (DBID) is a business-led and business funded organisation formed to contribute to the improvement of a destination within a defined geographical area. Herefordshire County Destination BID is county wide excluding the centre of Hereford City which is part of Hereford City BID.

What does a DBID do?
DBIDs provide additional or improved services over and above those provided by the Council and give local business owners and managers the opportunity to influence the long-term economic development of the destination where they operate. Examples of these types of improvements could include, investment in environmental measures such as increased footpath signage to support the visitor welcome.
Helping existing and new town events to attract more visitors to stay for longer, and return more frequently. Place shaping support, for example by providing increased visitor data information. Business support in the form of training or ‘money saving’ opportunities. A key priority for a DBID is enhanced marketing and promotion for the visitor economy businesses and the destination.

Visitor economy businesses can take control and improve their trading environment. As a business owner/manager, you will have the opportunity to identify projects that you want to introduce, and you will be given the chance to have your say in how your money is spent through Herefordshire County DBID.
BIDS run for a maximum of five years and after that time businesses have the opportunity to renew via a ballot taking place. Throughout their operation they are continuously demonstrating how they are benefitting the businesses that fund them, and hold regular networking events.
How is a DBID funded?
DBIDs are financed and controlled by the businesses within the DBID area. They can run for a maximum of five years
and during this time they must be able to show that they are benefitting the businesses that fund it.
DBIDs are funded by a mandatory levy on all *eligible businesses after a successful ballot.
The ballot took place in Herefordshire in November 2021.
The levy is based on the rateable value of the business premises and is payable in addition to business rates.
All businesses in the area **subject to the BID levy rules must pay the levy for the period the BID is in existence.
There is also a voluntary membership scheme. This scheme enables other Visitor Economy business based in Herefordshire
to become part of the DBID and benefit from the projects and services funded by the DBID.
The DBID will also secure additional grant funding and sponsorship where possible.
*Eligible businesses are from business sectors listed in the DBID Business Plan – see the BID Area for a list of sectors
**BID levy rules found in the DBID Business Plan